World-famous physicist, Professor Stephen Hawking, has applied to the UK Intellectual Property Office for trade mark protection for his name.  Professor Hawking is Director of Research at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, but the application has been filed in his own name.

Trade Mark for Goods, Services and Charitable Fundraising

Like all trade mark applicants, Professor Hawking has specified the type of goods and services which he would like the trade mark to cover.  These include scientific apparatus, computer games, wheelchairs and greeting cards.  With a worldwide reputation, goods and services that bear Professor Hawking’s name are highly desirable and the physicist clearly wants to ensure that the use of his name is properly protected and licensed in the future.

Having lived with Motor Neurone Disease for over 50 years, Professor Hawking is a patron of the MND Association and vocal about raising awareness of the disease and the effect it has on those who live with it.  By seeking to acquire a trade mark registration for his name, it is thought Professor Hawking may be protecting his name for future charitable work.

Celebrity Trade Marks

Professor Hawking’s status means that his name carries weight, which is why it is likely to be used to promote certain products and services.  This is an issue that has caused other well-known names to apply for trade mark protection, including another physicist, Professor Brian Cox, the novelist JK Rowling and footballer David Beckham.

Trade Mark Advice from SH&P

Whatever trade mark questions you have, the team at Stevens Hewlett & Perkins can help.  Our trade mark attorneys work with individuals, companies and organisations to ensure they have the information they need to take the best course of action.  We handle trade mark applications in the UK and overseas, and our commercial understanding means we are always thinking of what is best for your future plans.

Your initial consultation with us is free of charge; so if you need trade mark help, book an appointment with us today.
