The global Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having an impact on us all to a certain degree.  SH&P is committed to maintaining the health and welfare of its staff and to minimising any disruption of our services.

The UK Government moved from a state of containment to one of delay and we are now in the midst of a “lockdown”.  The Government’s official approach and guidance to individuals and businesses will evolve rapidly over the coming weeks.  SH&P will continue to follow this advice and we have also taken our own measures to mitigate the effect of the virus on our staff and clients alike.

Despite the current conditions we continue to provide the same high standard of service our clients have come to expect.  Robust systems are in place which allow our key staff to work remotely such that we can continue to provide client assistance day-to-day.

We are in largely unchartered waters. These are undoubtedly difficult times but by following official advice, and working closely in tandem with clients, we are confident that the IP and business communities can see this through.    

If you require further information on this, or any other SH&P related matter, please get in touch with your usual contact or via
